Sunday, 13 November 2011

Royalty, Rose-hips and Remembrance
Over fifty people turned up on the afternoon of Remembrance Sunday to plant 420 trees for a future wild harvest on Whitehead’s seafront. 
In our pack from the Woodland Trust, there was a single, carefully packaged and plainly very special tree; it was an oak sapling grown from seed collected on one of the Royal estates. As it happens, Brighter Whitehead and TTW had been represented a few days ago when the Princess Royal ceremonially planted the first tree of the Diamond Wood (although why it was planted in Carrickfergus and not Whitehead remains something of a mystery). 
So, Princess Anne told us a story about having planted some trees at Balmoral when she was a girl, and has now seen them harvested at the end of their useful lives. We all carefully avoided any discussion about the age of the trees.  

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Wild Harvest

We’re all set to add to Northern Ireland’s woodland on Sunday 13th November with our Wild Harvest pack of 420 trees. We’d love to see you at Whitehead’s Harbour car-park at 2pm, if you’d like to plant a tree or two. Bring a spade.

There’s a lot of reasons to plant more trees here. At only 6% of our land in forestry, we already have the lowest tree cover of any part of these islands or, indeed, of any country in Europe. 

Monday, 17 October 2011

Heat Pump Pioneers

Heat-pump Pioneers
Two of our Transition Town stalwarts are pioneering a new heat technology in their own homes. 
When Katie got a reminder recently to fill her fuel tank, she was able to say to the company, “No thanks, I won’t be needing your services any more.” And she won’t be getting any more hefty oil bills either. That’s because she’s had a new Air Source Heat Pump installed last week. 

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

News Item

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