Sunday, 13 November 2011

Royalty, Rose-hips and Remembrance
Over fifty people turned up on the afternoon of Remembrance Sunday to plant 420 trees for a future wild harvest on Whitehead’s seafront. 
In our pack from the Woodland Trust, there was a single, carefully packaged and plainly very special tree; it was an oak sapling grown from seed collected on one of the Royal estates. As it happens, Brighter Whitehead and TTW had been represented a few days ago when the Princess Royal ceremonially planted the first tree of the Diamond Wood (although why it was planted in Carrickfergus and not Whitehead remains something of a mystery). 
So, Princess Anne told us a story about having planted some trees at Balmoral when she was a girl, and has now seen them harvested at the end of their useful lives. We all carefully avoided any discussion about the age of the trees.