Thursday, 28 June 2012

Big Energy Savings Challenge Award

Six Transition Town Whitehead group members travelled to Armagh on Monday 25th June for the awards ceremony of the Big Energy Savings Challenge, hosted by Power NI, to announce the winner of the Challenge and give them £20,000.
There were six groups represented, all of whom had taken part in the Challenge over the past year by trying to reduce energy consumption in their respective communities.

We have made some excellent progress as a result of the Challenge. We used some of the initial grant to help over 200 households develop a better understanding of their energy usage and how they could reduce their bills. Over 600 people are now in contact with us and learning a bit more about energy conservation issues.
Our ‘Energy Audit’ was well received by all involved, with almost thirty households benefitting from a detailed examination of their energy use. As a result, several people have taken action to reduce their energy use and save money by installing new condensing boilers, lots of insulation and draught excluders and plenty of light bulbs. Energy monitors supplied free by Power NI have also helped householders to use their appliances to greater advantage and have saved money as a result. Two houses had completely new heating systems installed, driven by innovative new technologies, again through the support of Power NI.
The top prize in the competition was won by the small village of Annaclone but, although we missed out on the winners’ glory, we were congratulated on our efforts and came away with a creditable completion award of another £7,500 which will be used for further energy-saving initiatives in Whitehead.

Our plans include taking a stand at the Whitehead Festival Food and Folk day on 28th July and we look forward to meeting more of you there. Please come and see us; we may be able to help you reduce your fuel bills and we may be able to provide some goodies to help you on the way. We also want your input, your membership and your ideas how we can be more effective and reach more people. Whether you are single, have a family or a business we may be able to help you on the path to reduce your energy bills.

David Penpraze
28 June 2012